TIME Trial, NEW Streets, Parlauf...
From time to time...
during the winter, we organise Time Trials, Parlauf events etc on Wednesday Club Nights. Contrary to popular opinion, these are not just to justify the existence of club stopwatches etc, but are actually valued by a lot of our members as a welcome break from the slog of their training on dark winter evenings.
Time Trials are usually run in October and then again in March. We’ve used the same route since 2004/5 and have kept a record (see below) of the whole thing ever since. The route is just over 1.7 miles – not a standard distance, but still useful as the route has stayed constant.
The New Streets Challenge was invented, so local forklore has it, by running members of the Eden Valley Mountaineering Club back in the closing days of he 20th century. Formerly part of the pre-Christmas winter Wednesdays program, it was switched to March after severe December weather caused cancellations, and there it has stayed. But it’s still on a Wednesday. Again, we have records (see below) going back a long way…
We also run Parlauf events around town, usually 2 or 3 times a year, again included in the Winter Wednesdays program. Always enjoyable (sometimes even by those taking part) – this involves teams of 2 running a ‘traditional’ route to see which pair makes it back to base first. You’ll be unsurprised to learn that we also have all the past results for those too……you can look below, but they’re not uploaded yet.
Event Dates
Time Trial 2023 #2
Date – Wed Oct 11th 2023, 6.40pm start, meet at PRUFC
Time Trial 2024 #1
Date – A Wednesday in March – to be announced
Meet – 6.40pm PRUFC
New Streets Challenge 2024
Wed March 6th 2024
Meet at 6.40pm at PRUFC