


Eden Runners Welfare Team

Welcome to the Eden Runners Welfare Page

You can find information about how Eden Runners can support your welfare, our policies and procedures, and what support is available from the welfare team.

We have a team of two welfare officers at the club who can be contacted via the welfare specific email – welfare@edenrunners.co.uk

All contact will be treated within the realms of our confidentiality policy unless it concerns information that falls within our adult and child safeguarding policy.

Your welfare officers have completed training via England Athletics including:

  • Safeguarding in Athletics
  • Time to Listen
  • Mental wellbeing in sport and physical activity.

All welfare officers have an up to date DBS (Disclosure and barring service) check which is provided to the committee.

Your welfare team:

Amy Elliott – Hi, my name is Amy and I joined Eden runners quite recently in 2022 after moving to Penrith late 2020. I have worked with children, young people and parents/carers in a range of different roles across the education, charity and support sector for many years. Promoting wellbeing and welfare has always been central to these roles. I love living in the Lakes, with a great playground on our doorstep; you’ll find me running, hiking, climbing, swimming, cycling and snowboarding – basically anything that gets me outside and active!

Rob Humphreys – Having grown up in Penrith, I was delighted to move back to the area in 2022 for a better quality of life. I have worked in schools across the country for the past 25 years, managing many pastoral and safeguarding situations.
Now having brought my wife Claire, and our family home to Penrith, we are loving living the outdoor life in the Lakes and value being part of the Eden Runners community. As well as running I am involved with the Cricket Club, playing in the men’s teams and coaching the Women’s cricket team. 


Safeguarding our members:

The safeguarding of children and adults is a fundamental expectation of any organisation and of the utmost importance.

Our polices can be found below.

Reporting concerns:

If you have any concerns regarding the conduct of a member of Eden runners; whether a committee member, coach, run leader or participant of a session; you are able to report this directly to the welfare team using the email address above.

Safeguarding is everyone’s business and your report will be treated with professionalism by the welfare team. Our response to any concerns will follow the procedures outlined in the relevant policy.

Examples of concerns you may want to discuss; harassment, bullying, discrimination, any form of abuse, or a situation that may make you feel uncomfortable.

Supporting your welfare:

Whilst the focus of Eden runners may be to support your physical wellbeing through the delivery of our wide range of sessions and events, your emotional wellbeing and mental health needs are also important to us.

If you find yourself struggling and need someone to talk things through with, then please feel free to contact the welfare team via the email above or by approaching a welfare officer after a session.

You can request support from a particular welfare officer if you’d prefer, and one of the team will arrange a time to call you or arrange a meeting for an informal talk.

Sometimes sharing a worry, and feeling heard, is enough for us to move forward, however we can also signpost you to local and national services that may be able to provide further support, if you feel this is needed.

If you have any questions or comments regarding the policies or welfare team please contact us on welfare@edenrunners.co.uk